Dresden Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades
About us
Dresden Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades is a statutory body under public law. It represents the interests of manual trades in the administrative district of Dresden.
Dresden Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades is a statutory body under public law. It represents the interests of manual trades in the administrative district of Dresden. With 21,000 member companies who employ roughly 120,000 employees, this Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades is amongst those with the most members in Eastern Germany.
In addition to legal and business advice, the tasks of the Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades also include advising companies that offer apprenticeships, and advising apprentices and instructors on vocational training. Supervising trainees and completing exams are also tasks of the Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades. At the training centre of the Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades in Dresden, numerous possibilities for further education are offered, from specialist courses to master classes through to extra-occupational courses of study.
Membership of manual trades companies at the Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades is legally regulated and also regulated in the Code of Crafts (Handwerksordnung / HwO). Registration in the Register of Trades and Crafts must take place prior to the beginning of the independent practising of the trade or commercial activity. The independent running of a trade that requires approval is only permitted with this registration.
The proximity to Poland and the Czech republic means cooperation with this countries is strong; cooperation with France is also strong. A regular exchange of apprentices has taken place with these countries for many years.
Additional themes in which the Chamber of skilled Crafts and Trades is active on a cross-border basis or for interested parties from abroad:
- Recognition of foreign certificates (personal contact: Katharina Sussek, telephone: +49 351 8087-547, email: katharina.sussek(at)hwk-dresden.de)
- International cooperation via the Enterprise Europe Network (personal contact: Jana Westphälinger, telephone: +49 351 4640-503, email: jana.westphaelinger(at)hwk-dresden.de)
- Exchanges of apprentices (personal contacts: Franziska Kossol de Haas, telephone: +49 351 4640-546, email: franziska.kossoldehaas(at)hwk-dresden.de)
- Advice on trade fairs (personal contact: Ulrike Brömel, telephone: +49 351 4640-937, email: ulrike.broemel(at)hwk-dresden.de)
- Registration in the Register of Trades and Crafts (personal contact: Stefan Lehmann, telephone +49 351 4640-455, email: stefan.lehmann(at)hwk-dresden.de)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jana Westphälinger at our Department for International Relations (contact languages English/Czech).
Handwerkskammer Dresden
Am Lagerplatz 8
01099 Dresden
Telephone: +49 (0)351 4640-30
Fax: +49 (0)351 4719188
Send Email
Internet: www.hwk-dresden.de
Recognition in Germany

The official online portal for the Federal Recognition Act
“Recognition in Germany” is the official online portal for the Federal Recognition Act. It provides migrants and foreign skilled workers with information on how and where they can submit an application for recognition of the vocational qualifications they have gained abroad.
The “Recognition Finder” enables them to identify the competent body for their own particular case with just a few clicks of the mouse. Advisors visiting the site will also find all the relevant information they need regarding vocational recognition procedures and the underlying legal principles. All content is available in German and English.
The portal is operated by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is financed within the scope of the “Integration through training – IQ” funding programme. For more information, please visit: www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de.